Mindwell Therapy PLLC



girl, mother, daughter, Parenthood Counseling

Being pregnant is hard, having a baby is hard and being a mother or father is hard. Having hopes of being a parent one day and is not currently is painful. Whether your child has been planned for years or was a complete “oops”, parenthood is not easy and is not something you should have to go through alone.

You might feel like you have to put on that happy face for everyone around you, while inside you feel nothingness or anxiety and you aren’t sure how to tell others around you. Every therapist at Mindwell is a parent, and we get it…the joys parenting brings, but also the sense of loss of self at times. 

Let us join you as you navigate these difficult feelings. As you feel like “part of you” loves being a parent and the other “parts” wish you were anything but that.